Add Song Lyrics

If you have a database on Lime DJ containing a songlist or catalog, you can add lyrics to your songs and open them in our Lyrics Player with one click from the song request!

To get started, visit the Song Manager page and click on the song you want to add lyrics to.

lime dj song manager

When the popup box appears, select ‘More Options’.

Paste your song lyrics into the Lyrics field and click ‘Save’ once done. 

It’s a good idea leave spaces between the different sections of the song eg; verses and choruses etc..

Once saved you can preview the lyrics in our inbuilt Lyrics Player.

When you receive a song request that has lyrics saved, you will see a blue button beneath indicating that there are lyrics available.

Simply click on this button to open the lyrics in our Lyrics Player.

Press Play to start the Lyrics scrolling, use the controls to adjust text size and scroll speed to suit.

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