What is the difference between main and unique URL?
When you create a Show on Lime DJ you can choose between your Main URL and an Unique URL.
Main URL
Your Main URL is tied to your username and never changes and will generally be app.limedj.com/yourusername
Your Main URL is a great place to run regular shows, it means that you can print out your Main QR Code on cards, coasters, posters and flyers and use it over and over.
Quick Tip
You can only have 1 show running on your Main URL at anytime. To create a new show on your Main URL you must end the current show first.
Unique URL
When you create a show on a Unique URL, a new QR code and URL will be generated specifically for that show.
Creating a show on a Unique URL is great for non-regular gigs and one-time use QR codes. Once you end the show that is running on a Unique URL you will not be able to re-use the URL or QR code.
Quick Tip
Unique URL's are great for weddings and private parties. You could give the URL out before the event to start taking requests in advance.
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