How To - Create ads with Ads Manager
Using Ads Manager you can create little ads that are displayed on public pages.
These are great for promoting upcoming events or bar specials at the venue.
To create ads, visit the Ads Manager page from your current show. Any ads you have previously created will be displayed, you can add any of these to your current show by checking the boxes corresponding to where you would like them to be displayed.
Create New Ad
Click on Create Ad, enter headline text for the top line of the ad and text for the second line. Click Save Ad once you're done.
You will be taken back to the Ads Manager page where you can check the boxes of the positions where you would like your new ad to display.
Use the dropdown box to select how often an ad should be displayed if in the middle position.
Quick Tip
You can select multiple ads for the same position. Our system will rotate through them randomly.
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